List of synonyms for the word «agree»
By the way found 42 synonyms
- accord (16)
- assent (10)
- bargain (10)
- check (13)
- cohere (1)
- coincide (11)
- comply (10)
- comport (6)
- compound (10)
- compromise (1)
- concord (5)
- concur (11)
- conform (10)
- consent (7)
- contract (6)
- correspond (16)
- engage (11)
- fit (7)
- gibe (13)
- harmonize (5)
- hold (17)
- match (8)
- promise (5)
- quadrate (0)
- square (9)
- stipulate (8)
- subscribe (8)
- suit (9)
- tally (10)
- undertake (9)
- unite (9)
- accede (10)
- acknowledge (15)
- acquiesce (16)
- admit (17)
- allow (14)
- buy (7)
- buy into (0)
- clinch (9)
- concede (6)
- give blessing (0)
- grant (10)
Morphological analysis of the word agree
Initial word form: AGREE
All forms of the word:
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