List of synonyms for the word «evil»
By the way found 23 synonyms
- evilness (1)
- immorality (7)
- iniquity (6)
- malefic (2)
- malevolent (2)
- malign (9)
- wickedness (3)
- angry (8)
- atrocious (13)
- bad (10)
- baneful (4)
- base (19)
- beastly (12)
- bitchy (2)
- calamitous (9)
- corrupt (12)
- damnable (8)
- depraved (5)
- destructive (7)
- disastrous (9)
- execrable (5)
- flagitious (4)
- foul (11)
Morphological analysis of the word evil
Initial word form: EVIL
All forms of the word:
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