List of synonyms for the word «abasement»
By the way found 31 synonym
- abjection (4)
- abjectness (6)
- baseness (4)
- condescension (5)
- contemptibleness (0)
- debasement (2)
- degeneracy (5)
- degeneration (3)
- degradation (7)
- depravation (3)
- depression (10)
- despicableness (2)
- deterioration (3)
- detrusion (0)
- fall (14)
- humbleness (5)
- humiliation (7)
- humility (7)
- ignominy (2)
- infamy (8)
- lowering (3)
- lowliness (3)
- meekness (3)
- perversion (7)
- reduction (5)
- resignation (3)
- submission (8)
- submissiveness (0)
- turpitude (1)
- vileness (2)
- vitiation (0)
Morphological analysis of the word abasement
Initial word form: ABASEMENT
All forms of the word:
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