List of synonyms for the word «aberrant»
By the way found 26 synonyms
- abnormal (20)
- anomalistic (0)
- anomalous (0)
- deviant (8)
- deviate (12)
- deviating (0)
- devious (10)
- disconnected (9)
- divergent (8)
- diverging (1)
- eccentric (14)
- erratic (9)
- exceptional (10)
- idiotic (5)
- inconsequent (2)
- irregular (11)
- monstrous (9)
- peculiar (10)
- preternatural (3)
- rambling (10)
- singular (10)
- strange (3)
- unconformable (0)
- unnatural (7)
- unusual (9)
- wandering (3)
Morphological analysis of the word aberrant
Initial word form: ABERRANT
All forms of the word:
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