List of synonyms for the word «acrimony»
By the way found 27 synonyms
- abusiveness (0)
- acridity (1)
- acridness (8)
- asperity (7)
- bitterness (10)
- causticity (0)
- churlishness (0)
- corrosiveness (0)
- crabbedness (2)
- hardness (7)
- harshness (7)
- ill-temper (0)
- jaundice (3)
- moroseness (4)
- rancor (4)
- severity (9)
- sharpness (1)
- sourness (4)
- spite (8)
- spitefulness (2)
- tartness (2)
- thorniness (1)
- venom (2)
- virulence (7)
- sarcasm (9)
- acidity (6)
- acerbity (24)
Morphological analysis of the word acrimony
Initial word form: ACRIMONY
All forms of the word:
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