List of synonyms for the word «adequate»
By the way found 24 synonyms
- adapted (2)
- commensurate (1)
- competent (7)
- correspondent (8)
- decent (10)
- enough (2)
- equal (7)
- fit (7)
- passable (3)
- proportionate (2)
- sufficient (2)
- sufficing (0)
- suitable (8)
- tolerable (6)
- full (16)
- complete (24)
- entire (13)
- filled (9)
- plentiful (12)
- abundant (27)
- all-inclusive (14)
- comprehensive (10)
- unabridged (9)
- capable (8)
Morphological analysis of the word adequate
Initial word form: ADEQUATE
All forms of the word:
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